This month's minutes were taken by Jessica Fearn, who is neither as observant nor as clever as Wild Bill. What follows is her best attempt at approximating the exuberance the jet-setter has for meeting minutes.
Mark Woerner hosted the B.A.S.H. meeting on September 10th. President Mike Wojdyla called the meeting to order, and treasurer Tom reported that all the money is still in the bank.
In old business, Paul Holder reminded members that Embroid Me owns our logo and will embroid it on a shirt you bring in or overpay them to sell you. VP for Competitions Daniel Fearn announced the changes to upcoming club competitions that will move us toward the future vision for club contests set forth at the competitions meeting on September 7.
Judging will no longer take place during the stomach-growling hour before meetings. Instead, judging will happen offsite and provide actual specific written feedback to all brewers who enter. The new group of BJCP ranked judges will take the lead on judging, using written BJCP scoresheets to provide the best possible notes for contest entries. Anyone interested in judging is welcome to participate, and the ranked judges are are ready to provide guidance about judging procedures to anyone willing to judge.
The October contest will still be Pale Malty Ales, BJCP styles 4A-C, and bottles for the contest can be dropped off at Liquid Town on Airline between October 2nd and October 7th, or they can be dropped off at the October meeting. The judging date is TBD, but winners will be announced at the November meeting.
The November contest styles have been opened up to include British Beers in BJCP categories 11A-C,13A-C,16A-D, and 17A-D. For more contest information, check out the competition section of the website.
Since there will be a large time gap left where everyone would normally sit around wondering what is taking them so long to judge, there will now be brewing education talks for each of the meetings with contests. In October, Paul Holder will teach us everything we need to know about extract brewing.
In new business, Tom and Paul informed us that ancient scrolls have predicted that Iron Mash XIV is coming up in November. Tom is taking team submissions starting now, and all teams have to be in by next month so the diabolical duo can begin assembling the most treacherous, most fearsome, most 2017est ingredients the teams have ever faced. Paul reminded us that per the club's vote last year, we will alternate between announced styles and total mystery boxes and that this was a mystery year.
In his role as local homebrew supply baron, Paul announced a sale on yeast at Liquid Town on Airline. During the power outages caused by Hurricane Harvey, the supply of yeast came to cool room temperature, so he has slashed prices and suggested making starters.
As an update to last month, the club will no longer be serving at the B.A.S.H. bar during Classic Brew due to some TABC requirements that were announced by the event hosts after last month's meeting. Club members wishing to be tappers can still take the TABC Server course online and volunteer at the event for free admission.
The charming and beautiful (and definitely not shrill and yelling, no matter what you heard) VP for Plans and Programs Jessica Fearn announced the new B.A.S.H. text message reminder system. For meeting updates, text "@BASHCC" to 81010. For competitions updates, both B.A.S.H. and in the wider world, text "@BASHCOMP" to 81010. For beer judging updates, text "@BASHJUDGE" to 81010.
We are also conducting our first annual online member survey. Click here to tell us what we're getting right, what we're getting wrong, and how we can improve. We will begin announcing the results of the survey at the October meeting.
Cory Mathews suggested that we start a new annual tradition of brewing a B.A.S.H. beer at Lazy Beach to be served in their tap room.
After the meeting adjourned, we feasted on a menagerie of animals killed by Mark Woerner. We also enjoyed homebrews from Paul Holder (Cubano, just to thumb his nose at Hurricane Irma), Aggie Bill (Porter), Philip Mooney (Weird Hoppy Bock Thing) and Rusty Keyes (Daughter's Wedding Saison). Interesting commercial beers....were probably there too, but I forgot to take note of any of them. This is why we pay WIld Bill the big bucks.
Upcoming B.A.S.H. events:
28-Sep- 17: KEDT-TV Classic Brew
2-Oct-17 to 7-Oct-17: October contest drop-off at Liquid Town on Airline
8-Oct-17: B.A.S.H. meeting (Jack Heim, pale malty European lager competition, BJCP 4A-C)
4-Nov-17: Iron Mash XIV (team brewing competition)
6-Nov-17 to 11-Nov-17: November contest drop-off at Liquid Town on Airline
12-Nov-17: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, British beer competition, BJCP 11A-C, 13A-C, 16A-D, 17A-D)
10-Dec-17: B.A.S.H. meeting (Carroll Pate, brewing demonstration)
Thanks again Mark, keep on brewin’ and we’ll see you next month at Jack Heim’s !