President Adam Klager called the meeting to order and welcomed new members Frank and Ed Aleman (Rockport) and Josh Stacey (USMC). Treasurer Carroll Pate reported that the club balance was down a little bit due to expenditures and uncollected dues from several members. An anonymous voice from the audience (let’s call him “Paul” for a change) shouted “Travis is in arrears”. An unsuccessful search was launched for the offending Mr. Clapp. “Paul” said “Last time I saw him, he was behind a girls’ locker room testing that pair of x-ray specs he bought from an ad in the back of a comic book”. Clean it up, Travis! Guest Kyle Bauer volunteered to host the March meeting at his yoga studio downtown.
The competition this month was for robust porter, BJCP category 12B. Defending Homebrewer of the Year Mark Woerner collected 2 points for 1st, while Vice President and Competition Director Cory Mathews scored one point for 2nd place. Mark’s other porter took 3rd.
We washed down our dinner with RSS’s delicious cocoa stout and several new homebrews – besides the competition beers we enjoyed an IPA by Drew Burkhardt/Cory, an amber ale by Bob Davis/Carroll/Chris Swanson, a hoppy Imperial red by Andrew Herzig/Sabrina Krueger, a “Brambling Viking” ale by Brad Klager, an altbier by Kevin Ramler and a porter by Roberto Vela. The club provided Anchor Porter and Deschutes Black Butte Porter as commercial examples for the competition. Other commercial beverages included Brad’s Jester King Commercial Suicide, Cannibal Chris Schofield’s The Bruery 4 Calling Birds and Danna Sharpe’s Darcy’s Vineyard Grape Blackberry JalapeƱo Pepper Wine.
Upcoming B.A.S.H. events:
- 9-Mar-14: B.A.S.H. meeting (Youga Yoga Studio, no competition or demonstration)
- 13-Apr-14: B.A.S.H. meeting (Mark Woerner, American IPA/Imperial IPA competition, BJCP 14B/14C)
- 3-May-14: Big Brew (need host, multiple brewing demonstrations)
- 18-May-14: B.A.S.H. meeting (3rd Sunday, John Daniels)
- 8-June-14: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, German wheat/rye beer competition, BJCP 15A-D)
- 13-July-14: B.A.S.H. meeting (Paul Holder, brewing demonstration)
- 2-Aug-14: Mead Day (need host, multiple brewing demonstrations)
- 10-Aug-14: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, Saison competition, BJCP 16C)
- 14-Sep-14: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, brewing demonstration)
- 12-Oct-14: B.A.S.H. meeting (Claudio Montiel, bock competition, BJCP 5A-D)
- 1-Nov-14: Iron Mash XI (B&Js Pizza on Staples at Timbergate, multiple brewing demonstrations)
- 9-Nov-14: B.A.S.H. meeting (Andrew Herzig/Sabrina Krueger, barleywine competition, BJCP 19B/19C)
- 14-Dec-14: B.A.S.H. meeting (Carroll Pate, brewing demonstration)
Thanks again Alex, Rest In Peace Allston, get well John, keep on brewin’ and we’ll see you next month at Youga Yoga Studio (as always, with your own glass)!