The September B.A.S.H. meeting was hosted by Danna Sharpe at her home in Port Aransas on Sunday the 8th. President Adam Klager called the meeting to order and welcomed guest Phil Sims, a friend of Danna and Mark Woerner. Temporary, acting, transitional, ephemeral, ad hoc Treasurer-Of-The-Moment Carroll Pate reported another healthy club balance.
Paul Holder and Kyle Hotz gave an update on the Classic Brew. The event venue (Museum of Science and History) is now managed by a private corporation with their own liquor license. Corporate policy is that all persons serving alcohol shall complete the TABC servers’ course. The downside to TABC servers’ certification is that the server is personally liable for serving minors or intoxicated people. B.A.S.H. members who had been planning to serve homebrew at the clubs’ portable bar decided not to accept this liability, thus B.A.S.H. will not participate as an organization. Individuals may still volunteer as tappers if they complete the TABC course no later than Thursday, September 12th. The course may be taken online, or at the KEDT-TV offices on Tuesday 9/10 or Thursday, 9/12 from 6:00 – 8:15 p.m. You must pay $15 to complete the course, but will receive free admission, t-shirt and glass. Certification is good for two years. Non-tapper volunteers are also welcome.
In other old business, Paul still has a couple of B.A.S.H. shirts remaining. If you ordered a shirt and plunked down a $5 deposit, you have until the October meeting to pick up your shirt and pay the balance due. If not, you forfeit the deposit and the shirts will be for sale first come, first served.
There was no competition this month, but Drew Burkhardt and Vice President Cory Mathews conducted a demonstration brew of prickly pear blonde ale.
As we enjoyed Danna’s seafood lasagna, we tasted new homebrews by Josh Anderson (Russian imperial stout/Pliny the Elder clone/blackberry mead), Drew and Cory (Belgian ale), Andrew Herzig and Sabrina Krueger (Jester King Farmhouse Black Metal Imperial Stout clone), Paul (kolsch) and Mike Wojdyla (key lime weiss). A nice array of commercial beers were also consumed, including 11-year-old J.W. Lee’s Barleywine (Josh), Estrella/Delirium Nocturnum/Liefman’s Cuvee/Young’s Double Chocolate Stout (Dave Hall), Saint Arnold Icon Biere De Saison (Paul), Pacifico (Kyle), Smuggler’s Brewpub Debauchery Belgian Tripel/porter/Ouray brown ale (Rick Kelley), Franziskaner Dunkel/Spaten Optimator/Paulaner Hefeweizen/Weihenstephaner Kristall Weiss (John “Still Not Dead” Milan) and Humboldt Hemp Ale (Chris Swanson).
Upcoming B.A.S.H. events:
- 13-Oct-13: B.A.S.H. meeting (Lou Needleman?, American pale ale competition, BJCP 10A)
- 2-Nov-13: Iron Mash X (B&J’s Pizza on Staples at Timbergate)
- 10-Nov-13: B.A.S.H. meeting (Claudio Montiel, American brown ale competition, BJCP 10C)
- 8-Dec-13: B.A.S.H. meeting (Carroll Pate, brewing demonstration)
- Thanks again Danna, keep on brewin’ and we’ll see you next month at ? (as always, with your own glass)!
P.S. – Yes, Jess Mathews, you made it into the minutes!